The address of the EGCC is Schokland 14 in Amstelveen. Telephone
of the cantina is: (+31)(0)20-6407326. My cellular phone number is
(+31)(0)6-10776328. The latter will be switched off during the

Every player plays 11 rounds, no-one is eliminated, 7 on
saturday and 4 on sunday. After the first 11 rounds the
top-4 and the best 4 beginners play (semi)-finals.

You can enter the building from 9:30, maybe earlier. Saturday
the tournament starts at 10:30 so please be there 10:15 latest.
Sunday the tournament start at 10:00. The organisation will ask
the players on saturday if they mind starting earlier (9:30) sunday
so that we can finish 4 rounds before lunch. This is because some
players have to catch their planes back home sunday afternoon.

You can get many types of drinks. The EGCC has a regular 'cantina'
or 'bar'. It is allowed to bring your own drinks and food. This
is especially important for youngster and students.