Here is the ranking of 44 players after round 11: 1. 10,5 796 200 1800+ Takuji Kashiwabara 839 E Winner 2. 8,5 770 140 1800+ 61 Robin Tomei 5126 E 2nd place 3. 8 820 60 1800+ Tomas Douda 4617 4th place 4. 7,5 767 90 1800+ Milosz Cupial 5725 E 3rd place 7,5 757 40 1800+ Mariusz Kazimierczuk 5717 E 6. 7 763 16 1800+ Tom Schotte 2795 E 7 762 16 1800+ Imre Leader 79 E 7 720 16 1800+ Miroslav Voracek 4501 E 7 699 16 1800+ 26 Jan de Graaf 4012 E 7 677 16 1800+ Frederic Auzende 3384 E 11. 6,5 732 1800+ 24 Nicky van den Biggelaar 5105 E 6,5 711 1800+ Pawel Peczkowski 5700 E 6,5 688* 1800+ 22 Remko Zillig 5169 Best 'advanced' player 6,5 688* 1800+ Roman Kraczyk 4048 E 15. 6 752 1800+ 20 Albert Kortendijk 5012 E 6 704 1800+ Simon Ingelman-Sundberg 1495 E 6 679 1800+ Grzegorz Zieba 5711 3rd 'advanced' player 6 665 1800+ 18 Patrick Aubroeck 5155 2nd 'advanced' player 6 659 1800+ 16 Sido Helmes 5181 4th 'advanced' player 6 639 1800+ 15 Roel Hobo 5071 E 21. 5,5 694 1800+ 14 17 Linda Praseptyo 5159 Best lady 5,5 680 1800+ Emmanuel Lazard 11 E 5,5 659 1800+ 12 Jeroen Everts 5231 24. 5 717 1800+ 11 Roy Salomons 5146 5 691 1800+ Henry Aspenryd 1513 E 5 665 <1800 9 12 Anja van Gimst 5255 5 664 1800+ 8 George Ortiz 148 E 5 630 1800+ 7 Tim Hoetjes 5215 5 617 1800+ 6 Martin Fransen 5239 5 601 ?1800+ 5 Harmroelf Oosterhuis 6179 B Best beginner 5 599 1800+ 8 Veronica Stenberg 1375 5 595 1800+ Dimitri Vaes 2785 5 593 <1800 Nick Reunes 5900 5 587 1800+ Bintsa Andriani 45 E 35. 4 570 <1800 Ronald Boomstra 5151 4 551 <1800 5 Jiska Helmes 5287 B 4 523 <1800 3 Rosalinde de Boer 5214 4 484 <1800 Jens Aagaard-Hansen 1019 39. 2+2 238 <1800 Marcel Sneek 5083 (played only sunday, 2 estimated starting wins) 40. 3,5 571 1800+ Jan Stastna 4502 3,5 542 <1800 2 Akke-Lien de Boer 5265 42. 3 541 1800+ Palle Badsted 1025 43. 1,5 287 <1800 Robbert Jongkind 5070 (played only saturday) 44. 1 393 <1800 1 Corrie de Graaf 5062 B * Remko and Roman played a draw during the tournament. After ignoring their games vs. both their 'worst' opponents Remko's bq is higher (626 vs. 618). Harmroelf Oosterhuis gets a 1800+ estimated rating because he has more 1800+ rated players beneath him than <1800 above him. There are 34 1800+ players at the start of the tournament, therefore the TOP 34 get Dutch NK (National Championships) qualification points; top 8 progressive points. TOP 4: Final: Robin Tomei - Takuji Kashiwabara: 0-2 3/4 Ppayoff: Milosz Cupial - Tomas Douda: 1-0 TOP 4 'advanced' players: 1st cross-semi-final: Remko Zillig - Sido Helmes: 1-0 2nd cross-semi-final: Patrick Aubroeck - Grzegorz Zieba: 1-0 Final: Remko Zillig - Patrick Aubroeck: 1-0 3/4 Playoff: Sido Helmes - Grzegorz Zieba: 0-1